“Left”-over bits…


It’s real… and it’s spectacular!

Another couple weeks and it will be possible to fit the entire audience for CNN’s Sunday programming inside the Rose Bowl.


Did you know that the IHME’s COVID data site reports that there have only been 4,900 total COVID deaths in all of China?

Now look, it’s not the IHME’s fault that China is lying to them, but if the IHME wants their site, and more importantly their predictions, to be taken seriously, they ought not to report China’s stats without any kind of overt criticism. How can I take any of the stats on their site seriously if China’s ridiculous numbers are repated uncritically? Why should I assume every other number they are reporting is accurate if they allow those China numbers to exist on their site entirely unchallenged?

Why is everyone so afraid to criticize China? Why wouldn’t the IHME put some kind of notification on the China stats tab saying “hey these numbers are complete horsehockey and you can’t trust them”? If it were me, I’d be embarrassed to do it any other way for fear people might think me naive at best, stupid at worst. It’s sort of incredible how much folks are willing to debase themselves in order to kowtow to the CCP.


So John Cena called Taiwan a country and Blue Checkmark Twitter erupted in outrage (because China pays them to do so). A couple days later, Cena duitfully apologized for saying something that is objectively true and only controversial in the bizarro non-reality world of Twitter, or in a world where you are a public official who can exert influence on American foreign policy vis-a-vis China, which John Cena is clearly not. In so doing he satisfied precisely no one and probably cost himself a ton of fans in the bargain.

Thing is, not one of the people who were offended by what Cena said about Taiwan are John Cena fans. None of them watch wrestling and none of them make entertainment choices based on whether or not John Cena is or is not featured in their options. So he apologized in order to appease people who are not his paying fans. And in so doing, he revealed himself to be a huge wuss to the people who are already his paying fans, and who like him becuase (up until this week, anyway) they thought he was a tough guy who liked to fight.

Turns out he’s just another woke 98-pound-weakling intellect who wants to sell movie tickets to members of a regime that wants to destroy us, no matter how big his muscles might be.

Stop apologizing to Twitter, folks… it’s stupid, and it gains you nothing.


Did you see Barack Obama try to take credit for Operation Warp Speed? Yeah, he suggested that it was the fruit of investments “He” made in medical research and infrastructure as President…

It’s extra funny because, you may remember, Obama was the guy who never, not once in eight years, took responsibility for his own inability to fix the Economy after the 20008 crash. It was always, ALWAYS, right up to the very last day he was in office, the fault of George W Bush and the intractable economic mess he left behind. Nevermind that things got better literally THE day Trump walked through the White House front doors… clearly it was fixable after all, just not by the Marxist-in-Chief with the ego every bit as unrivaled as it is unearned.


Why do so many Politicians, particularly those of the Progressive variety, like to call Government spending “investments”?

You know what? On second thought, don’t answer that…