Pay attention to what they do, not what they say

The Left has been assuring us for at least 5 years that the United States is irretrievably racist and sexist, but do they actually believe what they say?

It seems to me that they do not.

If they genuinely believe that this country is hopelessly racist and sexist, then why did they demand that Joe Biden pick a black woman as his Vice President? Am I being asked to believe that in the great Trump #resistance election of 2020, a Symbolic victory for diversity was more important to the Left than defeating Donald Trump?

Because I do not believe that.

Lik, at all.

If they really believe that America is hopelessly racist and sexist, then why did they swoon over Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris? Why weren’t we inundated with “Sure it’s nice to see a black woman in the VP slot, but it’s more important to defeat Donald Trump and this racist sexist country will never, not-EVER, put a black female VP one heart-attack away from the White House” articles?

We didn’t see those articles because that’s not what the Left believes.

It’s all for show, a tactical virtue signal. None of it is real. It’s a grift to funnel money to people like Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Nikole Hannah-Jones, and Shaun King so that they can buy big expensive houses on lakes and continue to LARP as the annointed heirs to Obama’s legacy of continuing racial progress in America.

Respond accordingly.