$200M for The Presidio?

First of all, and apropos of nothing, The Presidio was a terrible Mark Harmon movie released in 1988.

Also… I’m pretty sure that’s the last time I heard the words “The Presidio”, until today. Hugh Hewitt has been talking all morning about a line item in the Build Back Brandon Bill that would send $200 million to the famous park in Nancy Pelosi’s district.


Here’s my guess… most of that money will go to City Workers in the form of salaries, to maintain and/or upgrade the park. And a significant portion of those salaries will wind up, via forced union dues, in the pockets of SEIU… where it will be used to advocate for the election of Progressive politicians who will get elected to office on a promise to spend more tax money on SEIU represented Government Employees. It’s a campaign money laundering scheme, essentially.

So, congrats Purple State suckers… you just paid for Gavin Newsom and London Breed’s next campaigns.

That puts Pelosi’s seats squarely in the crazy but not stupid section.

RIP California… and quite possibly America.