The ugly hypocrisy of the Progressive blame game

It’s become an article of faith on the Progressive Left that it was not enough to drive Donald Trump from the public square… Trump, it seems, was but a symptom of a larger disease. Turns out that it’s Trump supporters who are the real villains of the story. Trump supporters must be tracked, put on lists, driven from restaurants, fired from their jobs and essentially turned into non-persons, if we are ever to achieve an exalted state of social justice in America. This is because all of the “evil” perpetrated by Trump was not really Trump’s fault… it was the fault of those who supported him.

But things take a bizzare and unexplainable twist when you focus Progressive attention away from Trump and put it on the conflict between Irsael and the Palestinians. Suddenly, the fault chain literally reverses itself. Hamas fires rockets at Israeli civilians, totally unprovoked, and suddenly we find that those evil actions are not the fault of Hamas or the people who support Hamas and who allow them to hide weapons in their neighborhoods, or fire rockets from their schools…

No, in this one special case, the fault for Hamas’ evil deeds lies not with Hamas, but with Israel.

Weird how that works.

You know who else thought that Jews were responsible for all of the World’s problems?