The Left sold us out

I’m angry… and if you aren’t… why aren’t you?

As evidence mounts for the theory that COVID was released from a lab in China, we need to work hard to remind our fellow Countrymen that the entire apparatus of the Left… from the DNC to the Mass Media to Big Tech worked in concert to let China off the hook. And they did it so that they could win an election.

Donald Trump simply could not be allowed to shift blame for the virus onto the Chinese because, the Left feared, America might side with him over a bunch of evil Communists (shocking!)… and so the DNC lied, they called us racists for calling it the “Chinese Virus”, the Press called anyone who discussed the theory a “Conspiracy Theorist”, they embargoed video of the real perps so that they could imply that White Guys in MAGA hats were behind the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes under orders from the former President, and Big Tech banned anyone who tried to discuss the lab leak evidence or, really, anything that might hurt Biden’s chances of winning the election.

This may be one of the worst political crimes ever perpetrated on the world… no not the release of the virus, that was probably just a stupid accident… the decision to cover up what really happened so that the “right” person could win an election. If we’d been allowed to debate or investigate the lab leak theory a year ago instead of just taking China’s (and the WHO) word for it, it’s not hard to imagine that a lot of lives could have been saved. But now hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead and the economy was wrecked and we’ve normalized 8 Trillion dollar budgets forever… but hey… nice tweets, right?

We must never forget what they did to us in pursuit of power… nor allow them to forget it.