It’s long past time for mass civil disobedience

It’s painfully clear to me now, and should be to you as well, that the various COVID restrictions in effect both Federally and at the State and Local levels are never, not ever, going away. If you had any lingering doubts, they should have been swept away by Joe Biden’s off the cuff decision to… Continue reading It’s long past time for mass civil disobedience

Our Media sucks… hard

Yes it’s true, our Media draws liquid into their mouths by creating a partial vacuum with their lips, cheeks, and tongue. We all know by now that the American Mainstream Media is hopelessly biased in favor of the Left (with a few notable exceptions that go the other way), but it’s not always easy to… Continue reading Our Media sucks… hard

More on the lab leak theory

The Wall of Omerta’ continues to crumble… this time over at the Wall Street Journal. On the one hand, I’m glad to see the WSJ doing this now, but on the other I have to ask… was none of this information available to the WSJ last year?

Categorized as China, COVID

On the Lab Leak Theory

To be clear, I’m more inclined to believe that if COVID leaked from a lab in Wuhan, as now seems increasingly likely, it was an accident and not an intentional release of a bioweapon. However, given their performance thus far, the more the experts and the Democrats and Big Blue Tech rail against, and heap… Continue reading On the Lab Leak Theory

A serious question for Dr. Fauci

It’s pretty clear to anyone who can read a data set that we have achieved herd immunity. Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are crashing and it’s becoming increasingly clear, even to the Wuhan Karens, that this pandemic is over. Which raises an important question that I would love to ask Dr. Fauci. Fauci has routinely claimed… Continue reading A serious question for Dr. Fauci

Categorized as China, COVID

The Left sold us out

I’m angry… and if you aren’t… why aren’t you? As evidence mounts for the theory that COVID was released from a lab in China, we need to work hard to remind our fellow Countrymen that the entire apparatus of the Left… from the DNC to the Mass Media to Big Tech worked in concert to… Continue reading The Left sold us out

Categorized as China, COVID

How the consequences of school closings will be used against us

The closing of American schools over COVID was a disgrace. Yes… yes it was. A year of remote distance learning has been disastrous for all American kids, but all of the available data shows that it’s been even worse for poor kids and kids of color. And a decade from now when we begin to… Continue reading How the consequences of school closings will be used against us