The Revenge of the Buzzwords (Part 2: Angry White Men)

Now that Ole Joe and the band have opened the show with “Conspicuous Consumption”, and now that the fans in the front row have dutifully begun to scream enthusiastically at the familiar opening notes, the band is planning to bring the house down with a big encore performance of “Angry White Men.”

Except this time they’ve rebranded it as “White Rage”… whether the fans will scream and stomp for this new cover version of the same ole song-and-dance in the same way they did for the original remains to be seen.

This is actually the Left’s second attempt at an “Angry White Men” rebrand just this year. The first attempt, “White Fragility”, was a total bomb. Turns out that describing the enemy as weak and impotent, as the word “fragile” does, just ain’t all that inspirational. That word just doesn’t awaken in your shock troops the necessary level of rage and fear. And so now we get an all-new rebrand… “White Rage.” Much better… much scarier… that’ll get the Troops’ blood up! We can definitely build a smothering Governmental Surveillance State on that one, by goree!

What’s really going on here is that the Democrats know they’re about to get absolutely stoned by a Red Wave in the mid-terms and they’re desperately trying to paint the coming wave as a racist White Supremacist terrorist movement.

They’ve done this before. Remember the late 90’s, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and the great White Militia threat? Supposedly there were millions of Angry White Men running around the mountains of Idaho and South Dakota joining heavily-armed Militias, and Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building was just the first incident in what was going to be a huge wave of terorrism fueled by anti-government White Supremacy…

… which somehow never materialized… to the surprise of absolutely no one.

Then, as now, Republicans were ascendant in the Legislature. Newt Gingrich was in the process of engineering the first GOP takeover of the house in 40 years. Bill Clinton was being forced to his Right and would eventually cave to GOP pressure on a wide range of issues from taxes to Welfare Reform…. even going so far as to declare that “the era of Big Government is over.”

And if you don’t think that a redux of that rightward lurch scares the Democrats like garlic scares Vampires, then you haven’t been paying attention.

And so “Angry White Men” becomes “White Rage.” And this time around the villains have changed. Instead of Militias in far off flyover country, the new villains are the Proud Boys (whose leader is not White, by the way) and The Oathkeepers… whatever that is. And they aren’t in Idaho… they are right here in the cities… they are among us.


In conjunction, Biden is dutifully pushing a media and Democrat-generated party line that White Supremacy is the greatest threat to our Democracy EVAH!

Of course, no one ever asks the obvious follow up question which is, “by what metric, sir?”

How many thousands of men of color are being shot by other men of color in Democrat-dominated cities like New York and Baltimore and Oakland and Chicago and… Chicago? By contrast, you’d have to work pretty hard to find even a hundred Americans killed by White Supremacist Terrorists even over the last decade. But no matter, there’s a House Majority to defend and the Palace Guard Media is out of the business of fact-checking Democrats.

The Democrats have convinced themselves that this fear mongering over White Supremacy will work becuase they just spent the last two years scaring the crap out of us over a virus that kills almost no one under the age of 80, and now they think they’ve discovered a universal formula for scaring us into giving them all the power they desire to control every aspect of our lives.

What they don’t realize is that, as it turns out, Americans are irrationally terrified of diseases in a way that is not true of many other things.

Quick story: Years ago I went to see OUTBREAK in the theater with a good friend and his wife. At some point in the movie an Ebola-infected man goes to the movies and begins to cough. The camera follows his cough droplets into the air and into the air-conditioning system where they begin to spray down onto everyone else in the theater. Suddenly, my friend and his wife both stood up and ran out of the theater. That’s how people feel about disease… it terrifies them on an instinctual level. Very few other issues inspire that kind of fear in the American populace.

Take Climate Change, for instance. The Left has been running the same fear-related con on that since the 70’s and no one cares. Climate Change consistently ranks near the bottom of issue Americans say they care about every time they go to the polls.

The same is true of Gun Control. Gun ownership is way up and support for additional gun control measures is way down despite twenty years of well-funded campaigns to convince us that AR-15s are the very embodiment of Evil on Earth.

And this new “White Rage” scare tactic will suffer the same fate. Mark my words.

What do you think they’ll try next? Let me know in the comments.

Also, why not take a moment to join my Locals Community. We’re having a ton of fun over there and there’s nothing Joe Biden can do about it.


  1. Really great insight and article! The whole Blame Whitey for Everything Tour is having fabulous success with the 1% of unhinged leftists that have hijacked the democrat party. Let them keep kowtowing to the morons. I for one cannot wait to watch the bitch- slapping that’s going to be publicly inflicted on the demoncrats at the polls next year.

    1. waitinig for the rise of the silent majority…. but then I’ve been waiting for that for wuite a while

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