Subtle Media Bias

I’m seeing something interesting in all the coverage of the implosion of the world’s most famous political grift, The Lincoln Project.

What I’ve noticed is that even in coverage hostile to the Lincoln Project, and in outlets that are generally sympathetic to The Right, they continue to refer to the Lincoln Project founders as “Republican Strategists” even though they have not been that for several years now. And in fact, once Orange Man was gone, the Lincoln Project grifters set about making sure that the, now 100% Orange Man free, GOP would lose those two Senate races in Georgia by actively spending money to elect the Democratic candidates (both of whom were either unremarkable specimens, racist, or both).

Some Republicans these guys turned out to be.

I think the answer is twofold. One, the Media loves to hype “former Republicans” who are willing to go on TV and denounce the Republican politician du jour, so pre-scandal it was politically useful to describe these guys as “Republicans”. And two, once the scandal broke, it was still useful to call the Republicans because obviously if someone is going to be accused of pedophilia and sexual grooming, to say nothing of misapprorpriating funds, and you’re in the Media, then you don’t want to do anything that might suggest these crooks are aligned with Democrats.

But what’s really interesting to me is that you never see this kind of thing go the other way. Senator Robert Byrd (D-Racist) was once a Klansman. But you never saw him referred to in the Press as Klansman Robert Byrd… because at some point the Press decided that Byrd had been a Democrat long enough that whatever he was in the past was no longer noteworthy.

So I’m wondering how much more money the Lincoln Project has to spend on nakedly Democratic causes before the Press will stop referring to them as “Republican Strategists.”