What the $3.5T Mega Ultra Super Porkulus is really all about…

Does it strike anyone else as odd that the Democrats are SO wedded to this $3.5T price tag? It certainly strikes me that way. What I think is going on is this… The Democrats know they are going to get creamed in the mid-terms… I mean like a Mike Tyson scrub opponent in Tyson’s prime… Continue reading What the $3.5T Mega Ultra Super Porkulus is really all about…

There is nothing so dangerous as a cornered President…

We all know that the Biden Presidency is a failure. It seems crazy to say that after only nine months, but it’s also quite obviously true. Everything that Biden has touched has turned to mud and he has so little political capital left after less than a year of bumbling through the White House yelling… Continue reading There is nothing so dangerous as a cornered President…

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is playing a stupid game…

We shouldn’t play along with her. The game is, if you’re a Left Wing politician and you’re really bad at your job, and the news cycle is turning against you (as things certainly are in America’s murder capital Chicago), distract your enemies and energize your base by saying something radical and maybe even a little… Continue reading Mayor Lori Lightfoot is playing a stupid game…

Flashback Friday (Chris Christie edition)

Hugh Hewitt was handicapping the 2024 GOP Primary on Thursday and put Chris Christie in his top four. Now I’m a Chris Christie fan going way back… he was Ron DeSantis before Ron DeSantis…. a beefy straight-talker with a funny accent who liked to throw haymakers at reporters. What’s not to love? One of the… Continue reading Flashback Friday (Chris Christie edition)

Thought Experiment

Assume, for a minute, that HR1 becomes law this year. How long will it take for the United States to record more votes in a Presidential Election than there are eligible voters in the country? Set your marker… I’ll go conservative and say 2036. Gotta say, because I love both chaos and great entertainment, I’m… Continue reading Thought Experiment

Subtle Media Bias

I’m seeing something interesting in all the coverage of the implosion of the world’s most famous political grift, The Lincoln Project. What I’ve noticed is that even in coverage hostile to the Lincoln Project, and in outlets that are generally sympathetic to The Right, they continue to refer to the Lincoln Project founders as “Republican… Continue reading Subtle Media Bias

Carolla Vs. Newsom

Listening to Megyn Kelly’s podcast interview with Adam Carolla this past week and Adam mentioned a debate he had with current California Governor Gavin Newsom on his own podcast back when Newsom was only the Lieutenant Governor. You can listen to Carolla debate Newsom here (the last 20 minutes, from a political philosophy standpoint, are… Continue reading Carolla Vs. Newsom