The Library of Cancelled Films (June 18, 2021 Edition)

UPDATE: SCHLICHTER-LANCHE!!! Welcome to all you fans of the Colonel… ain’t he the best? Before we get into George’s two additions to the library, take a minute to go back and read the orignal Library of Cancelled Films post to get an idea of what we’re doing here and why…. OK, are you back? Let’s… Continue reading The Library of Cancelled Films (June 18, 2021 Edition)

Smokey and the Bandit: Or how I learned to love the Red State/Blue State divide

Believe it or not, there was a time when Hollywood actually cared about getting Red State Americans from flyover country into theaters and worked hard to make movies that treated them with dignity and respect. Yeah I know… but it’s true! Here in 2021 you cannot find a redneck Southern man in a Hollywood offering… Continue reading Smokey and the Bandit: Or how I learned to love the Red State/Blue State divide

How bad are award show ratings?

This bad… Like, I’d rather be Joe Biden’s sign language interpreter bad… Entertainment Tonight ran a commercial on Hugh Hewitt’s show Monday morning in which an announcer said “plus… what you didn’t see on the MTV movie and TV awards last night…” “What you didn’t see…” Guys… They know no one is watching. But I… Continue reading How bad are award show ratings?

Culture War and Cold War

In 1983 an American director, Michael Apted, then at the height of his game hired a stellar cast including at least two current movie stars (William Hurt and Brian Dennehy) and one aging movie star (Lee Marvin) to make GORKY PARK, a thriller about the endemic corruption and soul-killing evil of Cold War Soviet Society.… Continue reading Culture War and Cold War

Movie Connections

I have a weird brain for movies. I can remember lines and characters from movies even if I only saw them once fifteen years ago. And often when I watch movies based on historical events, especially when I’ve seen them before, I watch with a Google window open (or Bing or DuckDuckGo for those who… Continue reading Movie Connections

Reimagining “Hellton” Academy

In DEAD POETS SOCIETY, Director Peter Weir establishes the villain of the piece in the very first shot… a series of banners carried by students in a start-of-the-school-year procession which read TRADITION, EXCELLENCE, HONOR, DISCIPLINE. Absent from these banners are concepts like ENLIGHTENMENT, KNOWLEDGE, MATURITY, and CRTICIAL THINKING. Later, in a conversation that is meant… Continue reading Reimagining “Hellton” Academy