Guys… the Marxist BLM founder’s $3 million real estate portfolio is totally on-brand

Look, no one has more fun pointing and laughing at Leftist hypocrisy than I do, but we have to drop the faux shock over the fact that the Marxist founder of BLM is sitting on a mother lode of real estate investments. More to the point, I think to feign surprise at this news is to miss a golden opportunity to point out to the Socialist-curious among us that this is not a surprise at all. It is, in fact, how Marxism always, ALWAYS, turns out.

When the Soviet Union was at its oppressive zenith, Politburo Members and Party Members in good standing were the only Soviet Citizens who owned cars. Many of them had second homes, called Dachas, located in Russia’s “prime” vacation spots, such as they were. Party Members got paid in hard currency, as opposed to the worthless paper crap everyone else got. They shopped in special stores with shorter lines and had access to better goods, including hard to find products from Western Europe. And some of them were even allowed to travel outside the country.

The vast majority of North Koreans are literally starving to death, but Kim Jong Un is a ludicrously fat man who loves rich western foods and continental wines. And it’s pretty safe to assume his loyal apparatchiks aren’t starving either.

Likewise, in Orwell’s 1984, O’Brien had better wine, better food, AND he could turn off his telescreen!

Fact is, the sort of Marxist-inpsired Communist hellscapes practiced by the Soviets, the fat kid with the bowl cut and Big Brother can perhaps best be understood as vast Ponzi schemes, in which those who get in earliest have access to the best perks while simultaneously leaving less and less behind for those who are late to the “Party.” When seen in that context, Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ actions make perfect sense… they are, in fact, inevitable.

They are a feature of true Marxism, rather than a bug, you might say.