Rational Choice in the era of COVID

Getting vaccinated is a rational choice.

Not getting vaccinated because you are young and healthy or have had COVID and recovered, is a rational choice.

Getting vaccinated and then whining like a little girl because other people won’t wear masks of stay six feet away from you is not a rational choice, and people who behave this way should stay home and hide in their toilet paper forts forever.

There’s a problem with this last part, though. The problem is that the Karens who want to wear their masks forever have fragile egos and do not want to be made to feel like the weirdos they actually are. And so they need the mask mandates to continue so that they aren’t the only ones walking down the street in masks. You cannot be allowed to escape the tyranny of masks and leave them behind to be ridiculed.

Well my response to that is, tough luck, weirdo… I’m done.