Our Media sucks… hard

Yes it’s true, our Media draws liquid into their mouths by creating a partial vacuum with their lips, cheeks, and tongue.

We all know by now that the American Mainstream Media is hopelessly biased in favor of the Left (with a few notable exceptions that go the other way), but it’s not always easy to see how that bias manifests itself. The media coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was obvious to everyone, but because it was so obvious, it is a less insidious form of bias. If everyone knows in advance that you’re palming an Ace, no one is going to play poker with you.

But what if, instead of poker, we think of political campaigns as boxing matches. In a political boxing match, the Media are supposed to be the referees… impartially calling the fight, while never ever, not once, intervening on behalf of either fighter. But at some point in the last couple decades, the Media decided to enter the fight and transform boxing matches into tag team wrestling events. Sure, every now and then you have a Rush Limbaugh or a Fox News that tags in on the side of the Right, but the vast majority of American Institutions, from the Media to pro Sports, to Academia, to Unions, to Big Tech and almost every Federal Agency always, ALWAYS, tag in on the side of the Democrats.

One of the ways this has corrupted our American Media Product is information that was once presented to us as cold hard facts, are now framed in terms of the endless political horse race. It’s no longer “Here’s what happened”, but “Here’s how what happened affects our preferred candidate.”

Check out the headline on this WaPo piece about Biden’s flubbed Booster rollout, which included a very public fight with the FDA in which two senior members resigned in protest, and ultimately an override of the FDA’s scientific conclusions by the hyper-partisan CDC director Wallensky.

“White House gets most of what it wanted on boosters. But it also gets confusion.”

What an unbelieveable way to spin an own goal disaster by President Mushroom (I call him that because, like a mushroom, he’s at his best when kept alone in a cool dark place… like a cellar or a basement).

But the WaPo spin is not the real scandal in my opinion. The real scandal is that the WaPo reports on this disaster in terms of what the White House “wants”… rather than what the sience concludes. Here’s what I need to know… does the science suggest that boosters are necessary or not? If so, should I take one or not? That’s it.

But the Press long ago tag-teamed in on the side of the Mushroom in Chief, and so this is not an article about whether boosters make sense or not, whether they are backed by science or not, but whether or not Biden got the result he wanted and how it will affect him politically… which is so damned perverse. Why would the White House “want” a particular outcome in the first place? Shouldn’t they simply wait for the science to come in and then do whatever makes the most sense based on that scientific result? Certainly that’s what the Party of “we believe in science” has led me to believe they are doing. “Wanting” a particular outcome, and then doing whatever you wanted to do in the first place even if the science doesn’t support it, is not what I was led to believe that this Administration is all about.

Settling on a policy decision before the data is collected is not just anti-science, it’s dangerous because it locks the administration into a position that might actually wind up putting people in danger. But the WaPo won’t report on that, they’re more interested in how the gap between what the Administration wants and what the Science demands, might help or hurt President Mushroom and the Democrats in 2022 and beyond.

Absolutely disgusting.


  1. The FDA advisory board that voted against did so because they didn’t have enough evidence to vote for it. Biden isn’t following science, everything he does, or the committee that manages him, is for a headline. He desperate to have a win off of Covid, since everything else he has touched has gone south on him. I believe if there isn’t a positive outcome on the booster, he will never acknowledge it, and go on to highlight something else that benefits him in a headline. He’s operating on a basis of not being held accountable by the MSM that supports everything he does, and never reports anything on the negative about him. Worst possible outcome we could have…

  2. Keeping the puppet president performing as if he’s in charge is essential to staying in power. His handlers will do everything they can😳

    1. Something like that… the image in my mind is of a guy juggling one more plate than he’s trained himself to juggle and all he can think about is when the whole mess will come down on his head

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