It’s long past time for mass civil disobedience

It’s painfully clear to me now, and should be to you as well, that the various COVID restrictions in effect both Federally and at the State and Local levels are never, not ever, going away. If you had any lingering doubts, they should have been swept away by Joe Biden’s off the cuff decision to adjust the vaccination threshold upward to “97% or 98%” yesterday. There may, MAY, be a distant future where Government entities will quietly drop COVID restrictions with little or no fanfare, but this will only happen long after those restrictions have been rendered moot by mass non-compliance (similar to the way we can expect that someday in the near future the Federal Government will quietly drop the law banning recerational pot use because a large number of States have made that law moot).

That’s the only way we are getting out of this. And so, the sooner we start, the sooner this all ends.

But the problem is that we’ve been doing this piecemeal… one and two Americans at a time. We aren’t going to win this fight in numbers small enough for them to punish. We must overwhelm them with sheer numbers. There are more of us than there are of them. And protest are a waste of time, that’s fighting the battle on their field and on their terms. September 18th proved that money is no object for these Fascists. They are perfectly willing to flood the field with undercover Federal Agents and fully kitted-out Capitol Police officers if need be. We cannot win there.

So what can we do?

What if, instead of shopping at Target or Wal-Mart alone, you went out and recruited twenty of your friends who also shop at Target and you all went together, walked into the store, removed your masks, and went on about your business. What are the chances that a store employee making an hourly wage is going to want, or be able to, eject all 20 of you from the store, especially if you are peaceful and go on about your business without arguing or getting into a fight? Shopping for a few items doesn’t take long… you can ignore a store employee for the five minutes it takes to buy a case of sodas. Maybe he calls the cops, but will they even show up? I doubt it, and in any case, they aren’t going to rush. You can be out with your stuff long before they show up. The goal is to be a “peaceful pain in the ass” such that these retail chains decide that the cost of enforcing mask mandates, in terms of dollars and lost goodwill, is just too high. I think it would only take one big retailer coming out and saying “we’re no longer going to enforce mask mandates in our stores” for every other chain to quickly follow suit.

Here’s another idea. Despite the enormous Football crowds we’re seeing at outdoor stadiums, primarily in the collegiate South, there are still mask requirements at some indoor stadiums… I’m thinking specifically of The Superdome because I’m a long-time Saints fan, and Mayor Latoya the Destroya is intent on exercising every bit of power at her disposal to make life miserable in the Crescent City. Someone on a Saints Chat Board I frequent suggested a mass-mask-off at a particular time, say the 2 minute warning of the first half. This would ba a fun and very public protest that would happen on Network TV, and there’s no way for the Authorities to eject 80,000 fans en masse. The problem is that it would be hard to organize. I think it would take someone who is a Conservative, has a big platform, and who has good connections in the sports world to connect with local sports broadcasters to get the word out. Someone like Clay Travis, for instance.

Any other ideas? I think we are going to have to organize better, and quickly. It’s not easy, it’s a pain in the ass. The Government has nothing better to do than harrass us, while we all have jobs and kids and lives to focus on. But we’ve got to find a way to do it.

The only way out is through.


  1. You’re right but there’s always a question about who will cast the first stone and then who will join him or her. I might have cast the first stone on defunding public schools if I didn’t own a business that dependent upon public customers. Now started hopefully that movement will grow rapidly. But I’ve noted all the don’t tread on me license plates around Loufoun County and then wonder how it is that we continue to slide deeper into the Blue political cesspool? 😳

    1. Well that’s why it has to be done in groups. It’s too easy for them to destroy a single person

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