There is nothing so dangerous as a cornered President…

We all know that the Biden Presidency is a failure. It seems crazy to say that after only nine months, but it’s also quite obviously true. Everything that Biden has touched has turned to mud and he has so little political capital left after less than a year of bumbling through the White House yelling at the house plants that he cannot pass his signature domestic policy bill.

It’s a disaster unfolding right in front of us.

And if history has taught us anything, it’s that there is nothing more dangerous than a government on the brink of collapse. No Government, no matter how Democratic, is in more jeopardy of tipping over into Despotism, than when that Government is foundering and can’t figure out how to right itself. Politicians will do almost anything to maintain their grip on power and Joe Biden has, if anything, shown that he is willing to be more ruthless, more cruel, than even the most pessimistic among us expected.

Biden’s strategy for surviving the utter collapse of his poll numbers in the face of a raft of policy disasters from Afghnistan to the Border to the failed reimaginging of his great COVID strategy has been to go to war with his countrymen.

He knows that he must rally his base but he also knows that his base is so demoralized right now that the tired old moves from the “Presidential guide for suriving a bad news cycle” playbook simply won’t work anymore. In simpler terms, competent, effective, moderate Governance is not going to solve his problem.

And so he has gone to war. On literally everything.

Even something as innocuous as nominating someone to run the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency becomes another opportunity for Biden to poke a sharp stick in America’s eye. I confess I did not even know that we had an Office of the Comptroller of the Currency before this week. This ignorance on my part suggests that in the past, Presidents have nominated boring business-minded desk jockeys for whom politics was a distant secondary concern to being good at running the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency… whatever that is.

But not Joe Biden, boy… Joe Biden really outdid himself, nominating a literal Communist to the post. One who admires the Soviet Union for eliminating the gender pay gap and who sought to “end banking as we know it” by suggesting that Americans should be banned from using private banking institutions altogether.

Why nominate a crazy person to this post? Why is this fight necessary?

Because this fight (and all the others like it) is the only arrow left in his quiver.

One could ask the same question about Biden’s refusal to support Honorable Discharges for Military personnel separated from the Armed Services over their objections to COVID vaccine mandates. Biden could have decided to let them go quietly. They no longer want to be in the Service, and Biden clearly no longer wants them there. So let them go…. but no… Biden wants some kind of black mark on their records too. He wants his displeasure with their personal medical choices to follow them out into the civilian work force like the mark of Cain.

Ditto for Healthcare workers who refuse the vaccination. It’s not enough that they must be fired… these people we were calling heroes only months ago. They must also be denied unemployment insurance as well. They must be driven out of polite society. They must be crushed.

We must go to war with all those who oppose us!

What an asshole this “Great Uniter” turned out to be.

2024 can’t come around soon enough.


  1. Immense damage can be done by 2024. Critical that the GOP take control of the Congress in 2022 as a bulwark against the Biden/Harris insanity that will continue until 01/25. Think of the list of pardons outgoing president Harris with mandate in December 2024? Would make Bubba /Hillary with Mark Rich look like amateurs play.

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